
Gazi University (GU)

Tracing its origins back to the 1920s, Gazi University stands among the few institutions with such a storied history. Today, it advances its educational and research endeavours through 11 faculties, 1 High School, 3 Vocational High Schools, 5 Graduate Schools, and 32 Research Centres. The university boasts faculties in a diverse range of disciplines including Education, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Architecture, Technology, Science, Health Sciences, and Applied Sciences. Hosting over 1,500 international students from across the globe, Gazi University also caters to the academic staff requirements of other universities with more than 5,000 graduate students enrolled in various programmes. Operating across three campuses in Ankara, the university accommodates 50,000 students and over 4,000 academic staff, aligning closely with the global average for student-to-teaching staff ratios. The Distance Learning Center (GUZEM) at Gazi University facilitates online courses for undergraduate and graduate students, a resource that proved invaluable during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the university's continuing education programmes are administered by the Gazi University Research Center for Continuing Education (GAZISEM).


SEMEAR is an organisation committed to unlocking the potential and fostering the development of skills in individuals with intellectual difficulties. It implements psychosocial training programmes, professional training, and socio-professional inclusion initiatives in collaboration with families, students, companies, support and health networks, and the community at large.

Union Social Farming in Bavaria

The Union Social Farming is a Bavarian network uniting various stakeholders involved in social farming. With approximately 60 members including active farmers, professionals in conventional or ecological agriculture, social unions, and interested supporters, the Union champions social farming as a means of diversification that supports socially vulnerable individuals. Catering to diverse groups such as children, adults, addicts, individuals with disabilities, the elderly, and those suffering from dementia, the Union's objectives encompass networking, experience exchange, consultancy, education, and support for challenging endeavours. Serving as a bridge between farmers and social unions, the Union facilitates diverse social farming activities that significantly enhance the quality of life for disabled individuals, contribute to the common good, and create win-win situations for both society and farmers.

Pribinovina, Enterprise for Production and Services (Pribinovina)

For over 15 years, Pribinovina has seamlessly integrated organic production and processing of high-quality food products with offerings in ecological, educational, and social tourism under the Korenika brand. With a significant presence in specialised local product shops and larger retail chains, Korenika is known for its quality organic products including herbs, teas, syrups, jams, dried and pickled vegetables, tinctures, ointments, oils, vinegar, and other innovative organic-certified products. As an enterprise employing persons with disabilities, Pribinovina employs and trains more than forty individuals with disabilities, fostering social inclusion programmes. The Korenika social farm has emerged as a prominent figure in ecological, social, and educational tourism, offering boutique tourism programmes and educational initiatives for children and youth. In addition to housing native animal species, Korenika is developing a meditative garden to offer visitors spaces for reflection and meditation. Pribinovina's mission focuses on environmental consciousness, self-awareness, and societal integration, making it a model of successful social entrepreneurship in Slovenia and the European Union.

Association for Socio-Scientific Consultancy and Research

Our community comprises non-university researchers, practitioners, and experts dedicated to fostering an innovative, sustainable, and social Europe. We energise, support, and facilitate projects across Europe in areas such as digitalisation, sustainability, culture, health, and migration. Our services extend to the development, monitoring, and evaluation of innovation and research projects, adopting a forward-looking, dialogical, and process-oriented methodology. We envision ourselves as a catalyst in rural development and the innovation of rural entrepreneurship, essential for ensuring quality living conditions and addressing demographic changes in rural regions.

Mulheres à Obra (Women at Work - MAO4Action)

Mulheres à Obra (Women at Work) is a vibrant community focused on empowering women entrepreneurs by providing support, resources, and networking opportunities. It aims to create a nurturing environment where women can share experiences, seek advice, and grow their businesses. This platform is especially designed to address the unique challenges faced by women in the entrepreneurial world, offering tools, insights, and a supportive network to help them succeed. Mulheres à Obra unites over 175,000 members, fostering networking initiatives, hosting events, managing an online education platform tailored for women entrepreneurs, and running a podcast. This comprehensive approach supports women in their entrepreneurial journey, providing valuable resources and community support.

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: 2023-1-TR01-KA220-HED-000153489