
Mapping of skill needs of rural women in the field of social agripreneurship Synthesis Report

The “SoFar Mapping of skill needs of rural women in the field of social agripreneurship Synthesis Report” is the first result of WP 2 of the project SoFar. It is based on national reports on the existing literature on Social Farming in each of the partner countries.

All partners have provided a quite comprehensive work, analyzing more than 120 articles, books, policy papers, project reports and internet sources. Most of these are in the languages of the partners and have not been considered in the international discussion beforehand. The literature analysis is the foundational analysis of WP 2 of the project.

The objectives of work package 2 have been:

  • Identify and document already existing good practices in social agripreneurialism • Analyse social agripreneurialism-specific descriptors along the EntreComp framework
  • Validate the findings qualitatively and quantitatively through stakeholder interviews and an online survey
  • Provide an attractive, highly visualized framework of social agripreneurialism competencies to guide learning activities and increase awareness
  • Provide recommendations on how social entrepreneurialism can contribute to stabilizing and reviving rural areas

The WP will contribute to the overall project goals by building the knowledge base for the transfer of good practices in Germany, Slovenia and Portugal to Turkiye and to guide training of social agripreneurship multipliers, by defining priorities for training content. Raising awareness and highlighting benefits will open up interest and cooperation for implementation.

Social agriculture specific descriptors for EntreComp will set a framework for University curricula and continuing education modules in these areas. This will make the resulting training and project work more effective as all stakeholders can identify better with practices that their peers have already developed rather than abstract advice.

The visualization of the results is an innovative means of increasing outreach and adapting to the habits of the target groups. At the same time, the description of results in a matrix requires extreme focus on key points and therefore highlights the focal topics of the following training and piloting topics.

SoFar WP 2 Report 

SoFar WP 2 Collection of good practices

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: 2023-1-TR01-KA220-HED-000153489

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